Friday, November 20, 2009

update: tigress' can jam

this is just a thought but

what if there was a who-ville at the bottom of every pickle jar?

just sayin'.

damn those dilly beans were good. were.

i wasn't even sure i would like dilly beans. only made them because they were one of the few things that actually grew in my garden this past summer.

and what do you know? i love(d) them! (i'm not the only one around here that loved them, hence their quick demise).

this is just one of the reasons why i am personally excited about all the canning that is going to be happening in the can jam. i learned that i love dilly beans because i had to make a stretch when my garden didn't produce those things i was used to. now, via my commitment to canning for all 12 months in 2010, and with main ingredients not only chosen by moi, i am looking forward to discovering some pickled or jammed fruit or veggie, or a taste combination thereof that i might not have tried otherwise!

i am also overjoyed because it's been 2 weeks since the announcement of the first ever

Click for tigress can jam food blog challenge

and the response has been amazing! so far there are 24 bloggers and 5 non-bloggers who are ready to step up to the jar, and step the jar up!

in order of sign-up the bloggers thus far are: doris & jilly at doris and jilly cook, ashley at small measure, kate at kitchenfundamentalist, marisa at food in jars, alexa at sustainable pantry, sarah at toronto tasting notes, joel & dana at well preserved, lisa at notes from zone 4, gloria at laundry etc, chloe at naturally frugal, catalina at dust bath kaela at local kitchen, julia at what julia ate kate at hip girl's guide to homemaking, jennie at food and books and stuff. fun, elizabeth at sweet and sour preserves jane at yes another cooking blog, dawn at dawnabelle's, cathy at bread experience, heather & collette at backyard farms, michelle at big black dog, kristina at on my way to gluten free, sarah at locally preserved, and michelle at michelle in colorado springs.

and the non-bloggers thus far are: diane, andrea, daisy mae, sadie and jm (does that sound like the members of an all girl indie band, or is it just me?)

some other exciting news for the non-blogging participants - in addition to letting us know how it's going for you in the comments section each month, you will be able to post photos if you are so inclined. (diane came up with this great idea!) i will be setting up a system for this so more info coming soon...

and finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(i know that was bad form, but i am really excited)

this just in...

(oh, maybe i should just wait and have it be a surprise)

(should i?)

(i can't!)

linda ziedrich (or as kevin at saving the season calls her, linda the great) will be stopping by the can jam one month during the challange and joining in as a guest participant! i'll nab an interview with her and post it as well!

yes i am talking about the author of the joy of pickling and the joy of jams, jellies, and other sweet preserves.

(i know, i know!)


  1. great work and most exciting - some new names there for me too and looking forward to checking out their offerings and learnign from everyone!

    I lov the whoville idea - allthough it was odd that we had a few friends over before heading to a dinner party and I offered them a dill bean last night only to consume the entire jar in moments. Dilly beans truly are better than they aound - they often catch me off guard like that!

    Exciting day and great surprise! Cheering everyone on!


  2. Exciting update! So many new sites to go check out!
