Wednesday, July 28, 2010

can jam july round up: cucurbits

photo sugarcrafter

all you can jammers in the house jumped headfirst into the pickling process and for that i'm proud!

family recipes & memories, experienced canners branching out and first time cuke-picklers too! i do hope that the newbies in the bunch discovered just how easy pickling can be...and for all you peeps out there just getting ready to pickle,

pickle this:

photo local kitchen


bread & butter pickles - prospect: the pantry
she breaks out the big one: sweet hot. ...and a good idea about a taste-test sample in the fridge. what? this too!

bread & butter pickles - sustainable pantry
these look quite yummy my dearz - and i would love to hear more about that square foot garden of yours. you know what i say: grow cukes!

bread & butter pickles - sugarcrafter
i knew you'd come around to the salty side...and you got your thinking cap on too! picnic size 8 ounce jars, open kitchen windows. see how nice things can be? :)

bread & butter zucchini pickles - knit and knosh
i expect you to report back here in 3 weeks missy!

cantaloupe pickles - flamingo musings
i actually made similar pickles last summer and i can agree - they are weird & wonderful!

crisp sweet pickle - simply loving home
the rind idea is great! watch the head space, & hot water bath for 10 minutes...

dill pickle chips - ...oh briggsy!
what she said: i like me pickles crisp, like chips! ...and you can do it in the can!

dilly beans - bigger than a breadbox
i am so happy that she broke out the local clause. 'cause cukes will come & go, but local is as local does. and this is as pickled as a pickler could ever pucker for! :)

earle's dills - backyard farms
this is a treasure! a tried & true family recipe shared with all of us. thank you!

gingery watermelon pickles - rufus & clementine
i think i need to try these. and i wanna know how your second batch goes too - bryant's! i'll be checking back!

green & yellow squash pickles - market life sf
yikes! those zukes don't stand a chance around that fancy mandoline! and they looks so nice & svelt in those jars too. :)

kosher dill pickles - notes from a country girl living in the city
sounds like a great old book! here's a lovely place for a reminder to all: if you're using an old book for canning, make sure to compare to current USDA guidelines for up-to-date safety!

quick dill pickles - breadmaking with the bread experience
yo, yo, yo, you dillin'! ...a good & basic dill pickle recipe. right heyaaa!

quick dills - what julia ate
she had big plans (melons preserved in jars) and empty hands (melon season comes later in the N.E.) but she didn't come up empty-handed. pucker up to these!

photo laundry etc

ice-brined garlic dill pickles - married ...with dinner
i really dig your tenacity. and i think i would really dig these pickles. can i come over for a bite? :)

mcClure's pickles - mother's kitchen
yes i've had them, yes i love them. but i love even more that you made them yourself, & i love your label too!

mixed pickle #1 - doris and jilly cook
you heard it declared from the mouth of goats all across the interweb - "this is the year of the vinegar pickle!" - this cat ain't gonna argue with that!

pickled watermelon rind - well preserved
pickles & memories, i'm beginning to learn just how many people have these...great post j&d!

pickled watermelon rind - thinking out loud
er, and lemon rind, don't forget the lemon rind. ;)

pregnancy pickles - put a lid on it
it's a girl! it's a girl! it's a girl! (oh and i would process these pickles for 10 minutes, not 5).

simply good dill pickles - inn brooklyn
the name says it all - who could ask for more? (between me & you, crunchy canned dills are not so easy, bravo!)

slap my hind with a watermelon rind - mock paper scissors
(i couldn't figure out if that was the name of your pickle or not. if i'm wrong, i'm just happy i got to say it). and there's also spicy dill pickles! and another great round of tips & bonus tracks from tengrain's little cooking school.

spicy garlic dill pickles - my caffeine diary
uh oh! you waited to pickle 'dem cukes...fingers crossed! (i hope they're not too soft).

summer squash pickle - laundry etc
i love that the can jam turned you on to pickles! & you went for the down-home bread and butters! what's next for you, watermelon rind pickles?'ll be the talk of the village!

the best bread & butter pickles - all types of cooking and a whole lot of canning here!
that's what she said. particularly if you like a sweet pickle! and go here if you like a hot garlic dill. mmhmm.

watermelon rind pickles with garam masala & jalapeno - showfood chef
and she's also making a TON of these babies too - for her daughter's wedding!! how great!

zucchini cornichons - wine book girl
these pickles are inspiring me! what a great idea to use up all those little monsters! how do they taste?

photo post-industrial eating


cucumber pepper relish - food in jars
take me out to the ball, this looks like it would be wonderful on tofu dogs too, no? :)

dill relish - grow and resist
ladyfriend likes cukes, ladyfriend doesn't like rhubarb. ladyfriend is happy (and so is meg!)

hot dog relish - putting by
no! i hate to hear that your heart sank. :( the can jam is supposed to be fun! ...and encouraging: go relish go - i think you're gonna have luck with this relish!

indian style cucumber relish - leena eats this blog
girrrrrl! ...apparently you got the bug, 'cause you did bread and buttas, garlic dill slices, and a couple of relishes too! and you made it look as easy as 1-2-3-4-5!

indian style cucumber relish - robbing peter
she's got big plans for this little goes something like this; get yogurt, open jar, mix. eat.

roasted corn & zucchini salsa - just the right size
just wanna know the details of the altering of the recipe. 'cause there's a lot going on in there & we need to be safe, safe, safe!

sweet pickle relish - cafe libby
a solid recipe and wonderful suggestions on what to do with sweet relish here. (and congrats on your new house!)

zesty zucchini relish - post-industrial eating
isn't it amazing how coming back to our kitchens, and putting food to jars, can bring a sense of calm & well being?

zucchini garden pepper relish - cafe del manolo
more food memories! ...and ancho chile powder. sigh. so happy to know there are fellow chile heads in the jam!

zucchini relish - dawnabelles
got squash? relish it!...just take out the seeds, and maybe a bit of sugar she says.

photo the cosmic cowgirl

jams & marmalades

cantaloupe & blackberry preserves with chardonnay
- local kitchen
i don't know...for all that rantin' & ravin' you did about ms. ferber, your preserves are startin' to sound as exotic and delicious as hers! ...oh, & you are a-1 in my book now that you're pickling your house guests.

cantaloupe & nectarine jam - toronto tasting notes
oooh! this sounds very interesting. & with any luck i'll have some melons to jam from my garden. how does it taste?

lemon squash jam - tigress in a jam
step into the jar, my little sweetie. mwahahahahaha! (ahem).

marrow preserves - hip girl's guide to homemaking
i live in that place! (at least 1/2 a year) but anywayz...what about making little balls & putting them on sticks? :)

tart-n-tangy watermelon jelly - the artisanry of acorn cottage
hmmm. maybe a little too heavy on the tart-n-tangy, and a little too light on the watermelon?

zucchini marmalade - the cosmic cowgirl
she say marmalade, i say jam...we both say zucchini, and we both say it's good!

zesty watermelon jelly - family & food
sounds like a jelled watermelon pickle?

zucchini apple butter - the kitchenette
i know, i know: don't try this at home. (but carter, you get an A+ for the limb walking!)

...that's a lotta cukes n' zukes! (and a few melons in there too!)

i know you cannot wait to see what you're canning in august (omg august already, what happened!?) miss julia of what julia ate has until this friday at midnight to let you know what you will be putting to jar.

can jammers please note that your recipe must be posted between sunday august 15th and friday august 20th with friday the 20th at midnight being the deadline

and please, please, please pop over to the can jam flickr page to see some great photos of your fellow jammers efforts!

as if above wasn't enough. i have another exciting announcement to make:

margaret at the very lovely blog away to garden has invited me to participate in a 3rd year running, cross-blog celebration of the wonderful bounty of summer!

today is the kick-off celebration & guess what we're celebrating?

cukes n' zukes! convenient. ;)

here's the rest of the schedule:

8/4 - corn
8/11 - herbs, green & beans
8/18 stone fruit
8/25 tomatoes

that's the plan and i'm in good company, 'cause here's the group of bloggers that'll be rantin' & ravin' along with me [this week] about all things cukes n' zukes:

away to garden
devour the blog
eating from the ground up
food 2
food philosophy
fn dish
gilded fork
gluten-free girl & the chef
healthy eats
just a taste
pinch my salt
san diego foodstuff
tea and cookies
the sister project
the wright recipes
tuscan diva
white on rice couple

click on the links to get even more delicious ideas for summer cucurbits!

summer fest 2010 is a celebration peeps! that means you're invited to pop on all the participating bloggers' sites and comment on your favorite way to celebrate the week's bounty-in-focus. link to your own, or a favorite recipe, give us tips, stories, etc. we want to hear it! and if you're all a-twitter, here's the hashtag #summerfood

don't ya just love the interweb?

...i wanna hear some roaring about cukes n' zukes down there! and of course, i wanna know how you're gettin' those babies in jars.



  1. What an incredible list (as always!!) I made my first fermented dill pickles last week (oh my GOD, they're already GREAT) and am dying to dive into pickled zucchini this week. But I have so much, I may just have to make some preserves, too. Meanwhile, my SummerFest contribution is a vegetarian bread pudding that uses up a load of squash, and is delicious, too. Check it out, and so so happy that you're SummerFest -ing this year, Tigress!

  2. What a great roundup! There are some very creative canners out there. Lot's of new ideas to try. I still have a bunch of cucumbers. Better get canning...

  3. Hahaha, it's true, it's true...I've come around to pickling. In fact, I just got a few huge cucumbers from my CSA that I intend to pickle this weekend. I'm hooked! :-)

  4. What a wonderful round up. I am inspired to move beyond the fruits I worked with over the past year and move into some savory items.

    Unfortunately didn't find the CanJam in time to join up this year, but I will be playing along from home for the rest of the summer. I've posted to my blog re: the butters & salsa I've made so far this year, and look forward to the new CanJam challenge.

    -the redhead-

  5. I'm over the PMS but I've still got the Bread & Butter Pickles.

    This round up is a great resource for future pickling ventures. Sans squash. :-)

  6. Another great roundup to keep us all going forever more with lots of great recipes to taste and savour. The collective energy of all the canjammers is inspiring. Pat on the back to all my fab canning pals taking part.

  7. Hey Tigress, why would you process for 10? I just worry about overcooking, never made actual pickles before and I wanted to make sure they would be crunchy.

  8. As usual, an awesome collection of preserves listed! I requested mini-cukes from my CSA for this month's canjam. The resulting collection gave me some small enough to make cornichons (not hot water bath preserved, but my fav pickle) and some sweet gherkins. I have some doubts about the gherkins as they look a bit ... odd ... it's my first time making pickles so I'm not sure what to expect :)

    Pix on flickr as soon as we manage to upload them!

  9. yea--i heart summerfest! i had a blast participating last year and i'm so glad another week has been added for this year. thanks to tigress for another great collection of canning recipes, too. i can't tell you how often i check back to the round-ups for ideas! here's a link to my zucchini marmalade (check 'em all out in the above post!):

  10. Wonderful list as always, CanJammers. Give yourselves a hand. You know, I had a friend ask me for pickle recipes for baby carrots the other day, and hey! presto! I had about 100 recipes in one handy spot. Sweet.

    I love the idea of SummerFest as well; in the spirit of joining in, here at my latest favorite cuke & zuke recipes:

    Cukes - A summer standby.

    Zukes - So many options for tweaking!

  11. I was so looking forward to this round-up! Since I was so UNinspired to do pickles this time around, I wanted to see what crazy pickle concoctions everyone came up with... and of course I was not surprised!

    Also, Tigress, please love that I looked at my post from the very first Can Jam in January... and oh, the headspace in the second jar... it makes me giggle to think about what I *didn't* know way back when. (I used that one, first, duh.)

  12. one of these days I need to get my act together and start pickling!

    My contribution to the Summer Fest is Cucumber, Feta, & Walnut. A very yummy and refreshing combination!

  13. I love all the pickling recipe sources. Definitely bookmarked

    For Summer Fest 2010, here's the link to a recent post I did. I finally worked up a recipe for the Cucumber Wasabi Soup folks have been hounding me for for years. A summer orgy of cucumber and cultured dairy!

  14. Wow! What a great July round-up. I'll say it again: you CanJammers rule, and Tigress, well, we owe it all to you. And thanks for the head's up on Summer Fest! Too bad I stupidly didn't plant any zucchini. Where are my neighbors when I need them?

    And, I can't wait to drop August's bomb! What an honor, truly. Until then...Viva La Canvolution!

  15. Wow, summerfest sounds like fun! I am excited to get a lot of new ideas and share some of my own. I’m a newbie blogger but really enjoying it so far!

    Please check out my Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread:

  16. What an amazing number of pickle recipes!

    I didn't get to plant cucumbers and zucchini this year. But I happily find myself receiving zucchinis grown in friends' gardens. What fun.

    I have fresh zucchini to make my favorite zucchini bread. I've used this recipe for years. I've tried others, but always come back to this Wisconsin farm-woman's recipe. Here's a link to the recipe and a story about garden-giving reciprocity.

  17. I am secretly hoping the August item is peaches, as I have many peach projects in the queue. Then I will have slightly more justification for the multiple boxes of peaches I will be buying in the next month...

    -the redhead-

  18. Wow! What an amazing resource you've put together. Thanks!

    My contribution to Summer Fest is a cucumber salad with garlicky yogurt and dill

  19. Thanks for the roundup - great as always. On Flickr I posted a photo of my Grand Cantalope Conserve. I've made many pickles in my day but never a melon jam or jelly. And I'm getting more of a sweet tooth in my old age ! So the Jam Lady cookbook talked me into this conserve. Cantalope, dried apricots, lots of lemon rind, walnuts and Grand Marnier. You can taste the cantalope - which I thought would get lost.

  20. This is quite a feat-- some pretty awesome pickles and kitchen concoctions here... Like Gingery Watermelon Pickles? Yes please. Looks like you know some pretty cool cooks.

    Check out my Marinated Summer Squash Salad and my Cucumber Salad with Lemons and Poppy Seeds at my blog,

    So happy to be feasting at the Summer Fest 2010 with you!

  21. I'm so excited about SummerFest! My zucchini's are going crazy so I've been constantly working on new recipes for them these past few weeks! This year, my favorites include:

    Garlic Ginger Zucchini Pickles

    Whole Wheat Zucchini Bread with Chocolate Chunks & Ginger

    Southwestern Garden Succotash (which actually features a number of garden vegetables coming up on the SummerFest line-up)

    and, from a previous post, my favorite lentil salad which is best with fresh cucumbers and basil from the garden

    Can't wait to peruse the other recipes! I'm going to be eating our zucchini for weeks!


  22. I never thought of zucchini jam... I usually just throw the zucchs in my corn ketchup, but the jam looks mighty tasty! The following are not pickle or jam, or anything in a can recipes, but they have squash:
    Squash Blossom
    Cucumber Water
    Stuffed Zucchs

  23. This is just incredible, guess I can stay in the rest of the summer, reading and pickling. You have my interest. I have only made salads and soups with cucumbers / Cucumber-Pineapple-Salad /

  24. Hooray for Summer Fest! I’d like to submit these zucchini “noodles” with avocado garlic dressing:

    As well as this refreshing cucumber sorbet:

    And some good old reliable lacto-fermented pickles (a recipe that’s really adaptable; I just made a batch with garlic, tarragon and chile pepper)

    I’m really looking forward to reading everyone’s recipes…and I’ll try to do a dedicated Summer Fest post next week ;)

    Winnie @

  25. RE: Zuccini cornichons. The experiment came about because I was looking for mini gerkins and couldn't find them and thought, Why not mini-zukes prepared like cornichons? Based on a taste of one from a jar that cracked, this experiment is not one to be repeated: the taste and texture was pretty awful. Maybe they'll improve with time, but I doubt it.

  26. wow, what an epic list of amazing things to do with cucubits! thank you for all the work here, it's such a valuable resource.

  27. Hey don't worry about my heart sink. I got over it and the can jam is about trying new things right? or re-trying for the hundredth time the same thing. Hopefully my relish will be a success, if not, we'll try again.
