Saturday, May 7, 2011

spring rampage pickles

yes i know everyone is doing ramp pickles right now.

but this is less about pickled ramps and more of a study in spring quick pickles.

if you will.

up here in the berkshires of massachusetts these babies are in full bloom right now.

but you could do spring onions if that's what's sprouting in your hood.

my neighbor brought over this lovely jar of homemade maple syrup. he doesn't like to boil it down as much as the store-bought stuff. i call it maple honey.

if you don't have a neighboring farmer making maple syrup or honey, i'm sure you have some neighboring bees making flower honey.

and this is the fun part. herbs! what herbs are you or your local farmer growing now?

my lovage is forever the first to come soaring out of the ground each spring. it's taste is that of robust italian parsley with a few ornery celery leaves strewn in. you could always use that mix to replicate this lovely herb. (but make sure those celery leaves are really ornery, like they should be shouting at you).

these pickles my friends, are positively exploding with the taste of my spring!

your turn - gather up a local edible allium, herb and sweetener and we're in busyness! i'll have you making a quick spring pickle that's loaded with the taste of your very own terrior.

'cause that's what the real hoopla is about now isn't it?

spring rampage pickles

(adjust the following ingredients accordingly)

2 pounds ramps, greens removed and saved for later *
3 cups white wine vinegar
2 cups water
1 tablespoon salt
1/4 cup sugar (i use raw)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 & 1/2 teaspoons whole allspice
2 teaspoons white pepper
1 small bunch whole lovage leaves, about 1/4 cup
2 quart mason jars and lids

1. add all of the ingredients except the lovage and the ramps to a medium sauce pan and bring to the boil.

2. once boiling add the clean and greened ramps, bring back to the boil and let boil for just 1 minute. take off heat and let cool.

3. add whole lovage leaves evenly to the quart jars. fill jars with cooled ramps and liquid.

4. place in refrigerator to cure for 5 days.

these pickles will last up to 3 months in the fridge, but they never, ever will.

* pawnote: if you are using ramps for this recipe, hold on to those greens, 'cause i'm coming back at you very soon with a recipe or two on how to use up those ramp greens. you'll like it, i promise!



  1. Perfect! And fabulous pictures, by the way; isn't it glorious to have the light back?

  2. kaela - totally! it's all about the light right now! even if it is still a bit chilly in my neck of the woods i feel summer nipping at my knees! :)

  3. Looking forward to the ramps greens recipe - I have a bunch in the chest freezer and I am in need of something new!

  4. I've been looking for ramps to pickle this year but they haven't turned up yet. Still hoping though.

  5. What beautiful shades of green, cream and pink. I have oodles of wild garlic on my doorstep but haven't found wild leeks yet. They are more visually alluring and photogenic with those purple stems. They are on my list of ingredients to find in the near future. Like a stick with a dangling carrot encouraging us on!

  6. Love!! so happy to find your blog :)

  7. Lovely photo of pickles!!nice

  8. pretty cool pictures... and an even better reciepe

  9. Great site and blog. I am a rookie at this but I love your fabulous work

  10. Whaaaaat this is freaking cool!

  11. Hey, really nice article. Loved your insights and skills. Can't wait to try the pickles.

  12. This is a great name for a Blog. And relevant! That I did not expect.

  13. hungry now. nice blog

  14. wouaho! that is a true feed industry

  15. Very, very interesting! Esp the butter part, I never knew its so easy. Tks a million for sharing.

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