Saturday, February 27, 2010


is it me...

or do alliums always seem like they're having a raucous good time?

maybe it's the hair.

take note all you can jammers and those of you following along with the can jam; my guess is we're all gonna have a raucous good time this month! 'cause there's so many things to like about alliums!

like carrots and other vegetables alliums are a low acid food which means when hot water bath canning these beauties precautions must be taken for safety's sake.

unlike carrots, alliums play an integral role in many a chutney and relish! ;) ...and who can resist a good pickled onion? (not i!)

alliums come in many delectable ways and i imagine some of you will be working with just sprung scapes, ramps and scallions, while others (me) will be working with root-cellared globes who lay-in-waiting for their life's mission.

the dates for this month's entry for participating bloggers are friday march 12th to friday march 19th with midnight on the 19th being the deadline to be included in the round-up post.

if any of you can manage to get your posts up on the earlier end of that i would be overjoyed because this month i'm gonna need a little help from my friends!

let's meet below for any questions, exclamations, tips, clarifications, etc....



  1. I know! I know! I'll make jars and jars of miniature pickled onions and put them in cocktails all summer!

  2. doris the goat - that sounds splendid! maybe we can invite nina over from put up or shut up! - seems she might have an extra bottle or two of vodka laying around! ;)

  3. so that's where you got your hair do from... cute

  4. I did some surfing last night and found a recipe for pickled shallots. I have them in a pot with red wine vinegar, sugar, thyme, bay leaves and water waiting to be boiled in the morning.

  5. It is all finished & posted! Red Onion-Rosemary Jam. I can't wait to read about what everyone made this month! :)

  6. I did a red pepper garlic jelly, just posted. I'm thinking I'm off to see Melanie's Red Onion - Rosemary Jam recipe. Yummy!

  7. I'm getting so exited for the round-up! I think there are going to be a lot more variations this month, as there are so many different things one can do with alliums.

  8. I've got jars of red onion & rhubarb jam cooling on the counter right now, and I've posted without a pic - I'll try to upload one when things cool off enough to handle! The taste in the 'extra' know, the one that's not quite full enough to can so you taste from it and keep it in the fridge, if it lasts that exactly the sweet/sour combination I wanted. Really happy with this one, and glad I could get it in jars before next week in D.C.!

  9. i've been reading everyone's posts. they all look amazing! :)


  11. here's our entry for alliums:
