Saturday, February 6, 2010

food rules for you

get this book

get everyone you know this book.

in fact, i'm getting one of you this book.

jump in the comment section and let me know that you want it by midnight friday february 12th.

...and while you're at it watch this:

(gotta give a shout out to joel at wellpreserved for turning me on to this video)

see ya!


  1. Ooh, me! I haven't read the book yet, but I've read a bit. He says the same stuff I think, only he's smarter and has facts to back it up.

  2. oh me! I read his first book! I do love Michael Pollan

  3. Very interesting video. I would love to have the book by midnight, Feb. 12. Please enter my name.

  4. I read the Omnivore's Dilemma and found it so inspiring! I would love to read more about Pollan's philosophy- great giveaway.

  5. Please add me into the lottery too! I'd love to have this book by midnight Friday, February 12th! :)

    Awesome video! I snagged my husband & son to watch it with me. Meatless Mondays, interesting idea... I'll definately be giving this commitment some thought! :)

  6. OH Please! I don't know if you can send it to Canada but I want this book! I love all his books - I drive my friends crazy quoting him all the time.

  7. i love michael pollan, and i totally want this book!

  8. This is on my library reserve list, but who knows when it will actually come around to my turn. I'd love to get a chance to read it now!

  9. Just yesterday my mom told me that I *must* read that book!

  10. I read "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan, and would absolutely love to read his new book! Please count me in!

  11. This is on my library reserve list, but I'd love to actually own a copy!

  12. This book has been on my radar for a bit. I follow Michael Pollen and loved the Botney of Desire DVD I got from Netflix recently.

  13. Thank you for the head's up, I just ordered a copy. BTW, its only $5 at Amazon.

  14. Wow, just yesterday I read a review of this book. I have been transformed by his earlier books and would love a copy of Food Rules. I guess one of the simple rules is eat a plant not from a plant. Cute he even has time to play with words.

  15. I'd love to give this a read too! 'Course, I'm from Germany, so I'd understand it if you don't ship here...

  16. I got this as an eBook for my iPhone. It was great! I hope every one else enjoys it too.

    BTW, I really enjoy eBooks on my iPhone. I read constantly now, always have a book with me, save money, and don't use as much paper. You might be able to do that with your smart phone too.

  17. oh, awesome, please put my hat in the ring - if not I guess I'll have to get it for my phone :D Thanks for the great giveaway!

  18. i am so inspired by michael pollan. i had the exquisite pleasure of seeing him speak in person two summers ago at the slow food nation "come to the table" gathering in san francisco. he is such an intrepid visionary. and, what i love the most, is that he so easily distills complex concepts down into easily digestible bites. he's approachable and understandable. love him!

  19. His writing is amazing. I'd love to have this book. Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  20. What a great offer! Count me in if it counts for anything!

  21. I recently decided it was a Pollan book that I should look into.

    Omnivore's Dilemma put me on the path that I am now and Botany of Desire was quite intriguing. After getting those two under my belt, I was a little 'over' Pollan as his message is really quite straightforward, and I think if you read all of his books, repetitive. But this one looked like a good read, and a condensed one to boot.

    I would eagerly devour it if given a copy. :)

  22. Thanks for promoting such a powerful message! Omnivore's Dilemma is my fave and I made the kid's watch Food Inc. w/ me. I'm definitely buying this one! @Terri, thanks for the heads up about Amazon.
