Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy valentine's day & food rules winner

it's valentine sunday!

cuddle with someone you love today

they do!

(they kind of have a love-hate relationship but that's beside the point)

oh, and the winner of food rules by that trusty random number generator is

congratulations diane, and happy valentine's day to all!



  1. The cats are absolutely adorable, but... That is a VERY pretty cushion in that last picture, the hugely-knit one. You don't happen to remember where you got it and whether it can be found in Europe? ;)

  2. *gulp* Nevermind, I found it - and it's a little out of my price range, by about a kilometre or so...

  3. charleen-
    i know, those cats are spoiled. of course they would have to pick that one as their bed of choice...;)

  4. Me?! For real? Yay - I never win things. Many thanks -- I'll look forward to reading it:)

  5. your cats are adorable: i wish mine were so loving (they've lived together three years and all we get is a slightly less vicious swipe in the face when they are near each other). well: maybe i'll show them your photos as inspiration!

  6. What a great cat photo. I have a Siamese as well, about the same colouration as yours. She's quite old(16) now, but still attacks shoelaces.
