Saturday, October 23, 2010

tigress' larder on amazon & a birthday give-away!

it's my birthday, it's my birthday...

well it was.


i started a tradition last year around here...a birthday give-away tradition!

what better way to celebrate your birthday than to give?

that, and the fact that what i should have spent the better part of the day doing was preserving the lovely local quince i finally found or fermenting my last 10 lbs of cabbage.

but no!

instead, i basically spent all day putting my larder on amazon and i want you peeps to go over and take a look so it wasn't all for naught.

first, hop on in the comment section below and tell me what it is that you're procrastinating preserving this weekend - or maybe you're being a good worker bee and you are actually preserving something this weekend! or maybe you've never preserved anything at all yet and you really want to learn how.

just say something about preserving down there and you know what?

you'll be entered in my birthday give-away drawing, winner of which will be picked by that trusty random number generator next saturday night, just after the stroke of halloween. (boo!)

the lucky winner gets their book of choice chosen directly off of the food preservation books pages of my larder on amazon!

do it!



  1. I would be canning today, but my boys are performing at a Dia de los Muertos celebration and a wedding. So, tomorrow we will "deal with" the case of Granny Smith apples we bought today. I am thinking applesauce (unsweetened) or......

  2. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  3. no preseving this weekend! just appreciating my growing larder by making a nice closet space for my love jars.

  4. Two bushels of tomatoes in various stages of ripeness are waiting in boxes on the larder floor to become tomato marmalade, marinara sauce and other tomato goodnesses. The delay is a result of my busyness with cooking for and feeding some of the hundreds of pheasant hunters who have descended upon us.

    Oh, yes. There's also apples. Various herbs for vinegars. And peppers. Need to make room for the Hutterite colony cabbage and squash that will arrive on Tuesday.

    I live to can and I can to live, yes I do.

    Love your website! Thank you!

  5. Happy birthday, you! I've got my quince going on today AND I finally stopped procrastinating on the 20+ pounds of apples that have been occupying an entire shelf of my fridge for three long weeks. Apple butter (with ancho chile, yeah) and two kinds of quince marm, coming right up!

  6. Happy birthday! I made some triple pepper hot sauce this morning, and now I'm procrastinating making the drunken fig jam I've been dreaming of all week. Have a great weekend :)

  7. Happy birthday to the person who I've only met online but who has changed my life. Your CanJam is so very much fun!

    I could be making ketchup, the tomatoes are in the freezer waiting patiently, but instead I am meeting friends from out of town, and sewing some winter pinafores... But soon, I promise there will be ketchup, and more "awesome sauce"

  8. making yet another batch of fresh pumpkin butter with vanilla bean...wowza!

    happy birthday!

  9. Happy birthday! I am an aspiring preserver, hoping that Santa will bring me my first water-bath canning set for Christmas this year. ;) I love reading your blog and getting inspired!

  10. First off Happy Birthday to you! Today I spent the time baking winter squash and getting it ready to bag for the freezer and cutting up sweet peppers some for the freezer and some to make my second ever batch of pepper jelly! Now... it is time to get off the computer and make my family home made pizza for dinner!! Hope you enjoyed your special day!

  11. Woot Happy Birthday! Well I didn't doing any preserving this weekend yet, but tomorrow I will be making apple sauce and apple butter. I did however purchase, Canning For A New Generation. I love to hear that you puttered on Amazon all day. Good to know that I am not the only one.

  12. I'm procrastinating canning tomatoes, at least until the prices here in Florida come down some.. Happy Birthday!

  13. i am procrastinating some infused liquor for holiday gifts and waiting for the beginning of the month when i can afford a box of apples from the Yakima Valley here in WA State. I have a tasty caramel apple butter recipe!

  14. I'm putting off doing a big batch of lemon honey marmalade (Christmas gifts) but I did just put up a batch of cranberry preserves (ala Helen Witty) and cranapple butter. Delish! Happy late birthday!

  15. I bought some persimmons this morning and must wait for them to ripen, but soon they will be preserved! And tomorrow is beer brewing, that counts as preservng too, right?

  16. Nothing to preserve right nowbut I have done a bit of preseving this past Summer Season~Figs from my own tree, Pear Relish, Pear Pie Filling & Per Butter from my own Pear tree. I have also done up tons of Hot Pickled Peppers & Onions. The peppers (Cayenne, Jalapeno & Ornamental) from my own bushes & my dad's.
    Happy Birthday to you & Thanks for all the inspiration!

  17. Happy Birthday! I'm not canning a thing. But I've been re-organizing the kitchen and various places I store my canned goods! And, I FINALLY took the rings off them! =)

  18. Happy birthday! Last weekend, I canned 40+ pounds of apples, and am all set for the winter in the apple department. I am dying to try some of the recipes from Mes Confitures, but haven't been able to find it anywhere other than online!

  19. whew! you people make me feel so GOOD! i am not the only one procrastinating! ...and wow some worker bees here! i like it! :)

  20. Apple butter! I've been meaning to make it for a couple of weeks, but the 16 hour crockpot cook time means a level of planning I haven't wanted to do.

  21. Ha! I finally stopped procrastinating this weekend and made applesauce of the apples that I've had for weeks and blanched and froze beans and brussel sprouts. I still have stuff to do but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  22. Staring down a few pounds of quince and trying to decide what to do with them. Never eaten them before but they're too enchanting to pass up!

  23. Happy Birthday! I have a chicken carcass in the fridge I need to make stock out of. Also, we have a pig to be butchered soon, so I need to make room in the freezer. I was going to pull out about 15# of pork and process some pork asado. LOVE that stuff. Anyway, there just never seems to be the time to get that project underway. I will probably be doing it tomorrow.

  24. Happy birthday! No preserving for me lately. I do have a preserving question though! Is a pressure canner and a pressure cooker the same thing? I have seen some pressure cookers for a fairly good deal, but wasn't sure if it would be okay for pressure canning.

  25. hi heather - a pressure canner and a pressure cooker are two different things. you cannot use a pressure cooker to can.,

  26. Happy B-Day !

    Today I and my 90 yr father made a dozen pts of Zucchini relish. Wonderful stuff. He taught me years ago how to put up pickles, relishes and preserves. Nowadays I help him out with the reading and measuring. And he's even slowly turning to some safer methods - such as Water Bathing - though I do have to read the riot act on that occassionly !!

  27. Happy Birthday!!! I love meeting other "givers"...I, too, would rather give than receive. Just remember the rule of get what you give, 3 times over. (aka, you reap what you sow x3). Today was banana day at my house...I did a batch of Banana's Foster Jam and a batch of Banana Nut Bread Butter in the canner. Both are FAB! Tomorrow morning I am planning to adapt my apple butter recipe to be flavored with some ground ancho chili's...thanks for the inspiration, I saw your other site with your recipe for it. All Hail Tigress!!!

  28. Happy birthday! You are totally right. I am procrastinating on the spiced apples I plan to can this weekend. Still have tomorrow!

  29. I am not currently procrastinating - but I have it scheduled for next weekend.

    My mother and I are going up to the apple picking place on Friday and I desperately need to get to the Farmer's Market and see if I can score a large number of tomatillos. I doubt they will be local, but I NEED salsa verde in my larder.

  30. Oh Em Gee! Happy Birthday, my dear one! I will be game and say I am procrastinating in a big way: crabapples, quince (yay! can't wait to hear what you do with them!) green tomatoes, apples...uh, think that's it. I have tons of excuses, but really, do they matter? No, only thing that matter is that you have fun! Hope it was a great one for you! Love to the Libras!

  31. Happy Birthday! I just preserved some pear butter and I must say, it came out great! :)

  32. Love your larder! Thanks for inspiring to can all I cant his year. Can't wait for next month's challenge.

  33. I need to deal with the peppers! They will probably just be made into a hot sauce. I did at least dehydrate the tomatoes that were going south. I also pureed and froze green tomatoes for a bread recipe I want to try.


  34. Happy Birthday Beautiful. :)

    On my 'to do' list (that I haven't yet done) include: pumpkin butter, apple butter and a final batch of applesauce. Oh those apples. Imagine what I would get accomplished if I bought a peeler/corer like I've always wanted.

  35. What a lovely resource for all the literature and tools one could want to start the preserving process! I poached some pears in a syrup with vanilla, put it in the jars and topped off with brandy. I also gave my rumtopf (aka old man jam) a taste and it's pretty dangerous...

  36. Ok, my mint jelly is still in leaf form next to their apple friends...Today I seriously gathered 2 x 5 gallon buckets of explodey tomatoes after this rain, o.k. I'll be a saucerous..but my lazy gummy tomato recipe is keeping me sane. Oven roasted with olive oil 'til gummy bearish and packed in jars for the fridge "lazy marmalade" .But I do I love eating my properly home grown, spice garden
    seasoned and canned dilly beans ala Your best BLOG birthday self..."tigress in a pickle"
    Happy B D...

  37. Happy birthday to yyyoooouuuuuu!

    last weekend i bought 2 sacs of pears to make yet another batch of your delicious white pepper sage pear butter. they sat molding on my kitchen table...
    i did make kimchee last weekend, its is stinking up the kitchen with sweet sour fermenty goodness. but dh thinks its the dog farts. ha!

  38. oh yes, that dratted procrastination...sourkraut, smoking the last of our hot peppers, and hard cider brewing all in the works...tomorrow. and, ooh, this wonderful new recipe i've GOT to try - apple cider vineger infused with garlic, onion, cayenne, horseradish & honey. YUM!

    Happy Day!

  39. Happy Birthday!

    No preserving this week-end as we have a housefull of family for a special celebration for my dear hubby. However, this week, canning spiced apples and applesauce is on the agenda for Monday. Eager to get going on it. Yummy!!!

  40. Happy Birthday! I have an enforced procrastination due to surgery a week ago. I have three gallon zip locks of hot peppers for jelly in the freezer, but missed the can jam for this month. I really hope I don't miss the quinces! I'm excited to see what canners do in fall, as I just started last January. My recuperation has consisted of scheming and dreaming of canning to come.

  41. Happy Day! Spent the day harvesting Chantarelles when I should have been planting garlic, raspberries and canning salsa verde! Much more fun to tromp in the woods though!

  42. Happy Birthday! I just did a soju/habanero berry bliss syrup shot in your honor.

    I've still got more peppers than I have plastic gloves and goggles for. I've got to get to it tomorrow.

  43. Happy Birthday !
    Love your blogs :) - yum ! I am a newbie so I have a lot to learn .. I made B&B pickles, green tomato pickles, and dilly beans !
    Getting a few books from your larder = schweeet !

  44. I am hoping to pickle daikon radishes this afternoon...

  45. Happy birthday!!! Last week, I canned spicy pickled carrots ( and cranberry chutney (I'll put the photos on my blog this week). Your selection of books is really interesting!

  46. Happy birthday! I'm making another batch of Brandied Cranberry Preserves from the Small-Batch Preserving cookbook. It only made 3 cups, and it's awesome so I need more!

  47. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. We always call our kids and sing happy birthday to them on their birthday figuring that their day has to get better because we sing so bad. It is good for a laugh. Anyway, I still need to thaw the 20 pounds of tuna and put it into little jars, but instead I am going to go to church and then grab my rifle and look for a deer today.

  48. A very Happy Birthday to you! I have boughs of rosemary awaiting being made into some garlic and rosemary jelly, but the eldest is home from college, so I'm competing with her friends to get some of her time home this weekend. Monday, for sure!

  49. Yay for birthdays! I hope yours was awesome! I should be doing something with the green tomatoes from our garden and I should be getting some local apples before they are all gone. But I'm not yet. [sigh] always too much to do. I really want some apple butter this year.

  50. Well, I'd procrastinated on getting the garlic, walking onions and saffron crocus bulbs planted, but they finally went in the ground yesterday. Today, if I can get my homework done by a reasonable hour, I will be making apple pie jam and vanilla/amaretto raspberry jam. And trying to decide what to do with the awesome batch of Thai bird peppers we grew this year!

  51. Apples. I'd really like to make some more apple sauce and I'd like to experiment with some apple jams and jellies. Happy Birthday!

  52. I would be canning, I have a recipe for squash pickles I've wanted to try, but I came down with bronchitis so I will just have to wait. Happy Birthday! And Halloween, too!

  53. Belated birthday felicitations! I have slow cooker apple butter on the go today. It will go quite nicely with the home-made bread!

  54. Separated grape innards and skins waiting in the fridge to be jammed! Happy birthday!

  55. I have Kimchee started in my garage and I'm making my last batch of Salsa for the season. Happy Birthday!

  56. Happy Birthday!! I hope it was a wonderful one; and what better birthday gift to give yourself than some well-earned procrastination?

    I've got 20 lbs of apples in the garage, just dreaming of the day I chutney 'em up. Also peppers, peppers and more peppers.. and the last of the CSA greens to blanch & freeze. But what did I do yesterday? Apple-cranberry granola and barbecue chicken pizza. Maybe I'll get working on those apples today... or not. :)

  57. I did a bunch of applesauce, but I'm procrastinating on more apples for apple butter and pears.

  58. Happy Birthday to you and my daughter, Rosemary!
    I have been a preservin' fool this season, thanks in large part to my region's gleaners group. This weekend I made three different pickled cauliflower recipes (from the Joy of Pickles), corn relish (same), and pressure canned caramelized onions. Waiting for me are a box of home-grown quinces and several boxes of homegrown liberty apples. Figs are nearly ripe on my Stella tree. Lakemont, Canadice, and Glenora Grapes have been dried into tasty little raisins. I canned 200 pounds of tomatoes in salsa, simple sauce, veggie pasta sauce, juice, and tomato/jalapeno/garlic jelly in one LONG night a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for all your inspiration!
    Margy Porter

  59. Earlier this week I tackled those beautiful tomatoes sitting on my sideboard. Chili sauce for my husband's wonderful chile recipe, tomatoes confit for pasta sauce or tomato soup all yummy with garlic and basil and with the cute little romas, cut in half, sprinkle w.salt and roast until soft and carmalized, pack in jars with olive oil and refrigerated. Glad you had a great Birthday!

  60. I procrastinated this weekend BY canning: chardonnay jelly and rosemary applesauce. I'm contemplating turning the frozen chestnuts in my freezer into creme de marrons, but this week already has a huge project: a wedding cake for a friend.
    Happy birthday!!

  61. Happy Birthday to You! I made chunky applesauce this week. My granddaughter is eating it like there is no tomorrow....:) I am searching for a great cranberry jelly or jam recipe to make for Thanksgiving. I did purchase the Jellies, Jams and Chutney from your reading list. Hoping there is a good one in her book. Blue Chair is on my wish list! Happy Canning!

  62. Great larder! I hope I don't win, because it would be so hard to choose one. I enjoyed a rustic weekend with my in-laws at their hunting shack rather than starting a batch of fermented ginger carrots. And a good choice it was, because when we returned, a new Fermented Vegetable Master was waiting on the front porch. Can't wait to try it!

  63. Happy Birthday!!! Canning this weekend? Ok I admit it, I procrastinated so late on the canjam that I HAD to can on Friday! That was it for me. I can pretty much every week now thanks to the motivation the canjam has given me. Thank you Tigress! That is all the gift I need. Hope you got all you wanted for your birthday!

  64. Happy birthday to you!! I just canned some cranberry sauce. I'm all ready for Thanksgiving! :-)

  65. Happy Birthday!!! I am putting off the last of my cabbage as well....and I have had a counter and table of apples for far too long...but I did get more kimchi made and made lots of soup to freeze...

  66. Happy Birthday. I'm new to canning but so far I've put up b&b pickles, green tomato pickles, tomatoes and lots & lots of tomatoes. I love your site, it's given me lots of information as well as inspiration.

  67. Happy Belated Birthday to you! My weekend I'm going to making yogurt, granola, bread,canning red peppers and giving a try at your fermenting chilies recipe.

  68. Happy belated! I put up Picalilli Relish this past weekend to use up the end of an enormous chinese cabbage from my CSA and the last of the green tomatoes I rescued from my garden. It will definitely be gifted too as I'm pretty sure we can't eat all 7 jars of it! Tonight I'm making sparkling apricot and chili jelly for the can jam.

  69. I have a 25lb bag of cukes that desparately need to be pickled.. but here in Oregon, it's crush time and we had to bring the grapes in before the rains came.

    Now onto those pickles.. along with a fennel onion bacon relish!!


  70. Pears. I know it is time, but I can not get pumped about all the peeling.

  71. Hmm... Mention something about canning..
    We have canned so many different things this year! Raspberry jelly, Raspberry jam. Dilly beans. B&B pickles with hot chilis. Dill pickled green tomatoes. Pickled asparagus. Peach with caramelized onions and basil. Strawberries with Habenaro jam. Pineapple jallapeno perserves. Tomato sauce,ketchup. It's been a most productive year and we always share as gifts with those who can't growand preserve.
    BTW, Happy Birthday, belated to you fellow Rocktober Birthday!! Mine is the 29th!
    Be well and I'll keep following your posts!

  72. another birthday wish! I preserved pears in brown sugar syrup last night. I also have a question. When I put the pears in the jar, they looked quite full, but during the processing I ended up with about half a jar or pears and lots of syrup (not a problem for me--I bet it will be great in spirits). Is this simply a volume thing, or do the pears cook down during the processing? Thanks for inspiring us all with this blog!

  73. Happy Birthday last week!
    You must be reading my mind... Had it all planned out to do something with the last of my pears on Sunday. Carrot Cake Jam anyone? But, I didn't get around to it. Now, if I don't do something soon, I won't have any pears to put up.

  74. Happy Belated Birthday!

    I preserved apples and procrastinated preserving apples both this weekend. We got two bushels and got through about three quarters of them before I was sick of them and couldn't bring myself to do any more. I'm hoping to get them done in small batches this week. We'll see how it goes.

  75. Happy birthday! I am not really procrastinating on preserving anything right now, but I'm on a search for quince. I can't see spending several dollars a pound for the ones at the grocery store, but I haven't yet found a friend with a tree to hook me up. Of course, once I have them, I'm sure I'll procrastinate on the prepping -- those suckers are HARD to peel! :-)

  76. Happy Birthday! Well, I picked 45 lb of green tomatoes this weekend so I made a tester jam, and pickled the little ones whole, and sliced up my green zebras for your curried green zebra recipe! I still have a lot to do but since they are green, it's not like they are going bad right? Glad to see you have quince recipes, we planted 2 quince trees this weekend and I am super excited about it!

  77. What a great time of year for a birthday! I hope yours was happy. While I am on vacation, pears and hot peppers are sitting in my fridge and not in cans. I'm eager to try your fermented chilies.

  78. Happy Birthday! I've done freezer jam so far, and plan to get into water bath canning soon. The recipes in your monthly can jam posts are calling to me!


  79. Apple, onion, ale relish/ apply pie filling/ caponata/ pepper paste are all on the list to be done!!!

  80. Hi Tigress. Happy Birthday. What a great larder. This weekend was last call on tomato canning for me. Tried your yummy sweet tomato ketchup (great) and made a hot little tomato harissa confit. Then more pepper jam. I definitely am up for your pickled chiles since that's one I've never done. I also fermented a big batch of kimchi with a Napa cabbage from our CSA. Back in the groove after a week away on the west coast! Apples and pears comin' up!

  81. Happy Birthday! And, WHAT, ME PROCRASTINATE? I went a little nuts this summer and fall. I now hear it's going to be a very cold winter for us, so that must be why. Yesterday I did concord grape jelly and roasted sweet peppers for the freezer (it smells like a campfire in here). They are soooo good. I have 10 lbs of green olives brining. Still have to do 20 lbs of cabbage for sauerkraut and your Turkish fermented cabbage. I don't know why I can't get to it. Also have to finish roasting poblano and sweet peppers. Oh, yeah-crabapples! Will it never end?

  82. Happy Birthday! I've been subscribed to your blog for a little under a year now but have not tried my hand at preserving anything. I did make some quick red onion pickles once. I've learned so much, though, and what i would like to do is preserve persimmons in some fashion. I just bought a bunch of them in Chinatown and they're so delicious. It's a flavor i would enjoy in the spring and summer when they arent available. I'll have to check out your In A Jam blog for inspiration.

  83. I just found cranberries in the grocery store! So I will be preserving some this weekend in the form of sauce. Now if only I can decide the flavor... PS: Any chance of doing the canjam in 2011?

  84. Happy belated birthday, Miss Tigress. I just poured off the hot brine from the fermented jalepenos that have been sitting on my kitchen counter for three weeks. Yum. Your larder booklist is awesome -- I love me some Paula Wolfert. (And my guy, Dan, designed Put 'Em Up -- I'm so psyched you like it.)

    Check out either of Maya Kaimal MacMillian's Indian cookbooks (I love Curried Favors, which has a Keralan P.O.V.), if you're on the lookout for something new.

  85. Happy Birthday! I'm trying to work through my 60 plus pounds of apples right now. I'm not procrastinating I'm just going a little slow! This is my first real year of canning and I have 150 jars and counting. Yumm!

  86. Happy Birthday! (mine was just over a week ago)

    Am I late for this? I'm not canning sweet peppers right now! Nor have I for the past two weeks! I can't stop eating them...I'll be sorry in a month or two...

  87. Happy belated B-day. Last weekend I was canning applesauce. This weekend is for more applesauce and hopefully some green tomato relish and tomatillo salsa.

  88. All I have time to do this weekend is make my pickled okra, which I have to do every weekend as long as there's okra to be had. Next week will be more I hope.
    Happy Birthday!

  89. I haven't done as much canning this year as last year, but I have canning applesauce on the brain... keep putting it off, but sometime in November it will happen. Or I also have pumpkin on the brain, but safety standards I freeze that over canning. Or I missed out on plums for a really good mincemeat recipe, so I may do pears instead if I decide to do some canning of mincemeat this year. And I want to maybe make some carrot marmalade this year or I've also been thinking of canning some mustard or onion marmalade for gift giving this year.

    And happy belated birthday wishes.

  90. 1. Happy Birthday!

    2. I totally should be canning my yearly cinnamon vanilla bean applesauce, which was the first recipe I ever canned, but I've been sick and avoiding it. Grrrr.

  91. This weekend I really need to be making homemade hot sauce (with the chiles that I grew and bought for cheap) and need to be roasting and freezing sweet peppers. Hopefully I'll get to at least one of the above.

  92. Happy Birthday! Heading out for some late season apples this weekend in the Columbia Gorge for eating, saucing, buttering. Yum.......
